
Top Attitude to Tourism

 “Tourism is a good thing for Vienna” according to 94% of the Viennese

Today, with more than a billion people traveling abroad every year, appreciation of tourism among the local population is a quality factor. In the context of the Tourism Strategy 2020, Vienna’s goal is to generate 18 million visitor bednights. To do this, it is essential to know what the attitude of the residents of Vienna is to tourism. The ongoing representative study conducted by the Vienna Tourist Board in cooperation with the market research company Manova furnishes a highly informative picture. Over the course of 2018, 3,650 Viennese residents aged 18 to 70 were asked online about their attitude to tourism. 94% of respondents stated that they view tourism in Vienna favorably.

Similarly high numbers were also recorded in previous years. Find out from the detailed analysis below how the Viennese see other aspects of tourism in their city, what they consider positive and what they view critically. Further details can be found in this PDF report.
